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Friday, September 29, 2017

09:00-10:00 RegistrationUniversity I Building Foyer
10:00-10:30Welcome SpeechAssembly Hall
10:30-13:00Plenary SessionAssembly Hall
13:00-14:00LunchRoom: 1115
14:00-15:45 Session:

The modern economy, economic policy and social and demographic processes (Modern economic processes)

Room: 1119

Current issues of business finances and management (Finances) 1

Current issues of business finances and management (Accounting and auditing)

Room: 1114

Human Rights and Contemporary State;
University and regional innovation system.

Room: 1118
15:45-16:15Coffee breakRoom: 1115
16:15-18:00 Session:

The modern economy, economic policy and social and demographic processes (Social economy, Demography, Statistics)

Room: 1119

Current issues of business finances and management (Managment and marketing)

Room: 1114

Financial Education and Socio-Economic Welfare.

Room: 1118

Saturday, September 30, 2017

09:00-10:00 RegistrationUniversity I Building Foyer
10:00-12:00 Session:

The modern economy, economic policy and social and demographic processes (Sectorial economy)

Room: 1119

Current issues of business finances and management (Finances) 2

Room: 1114

New public management: challenges and opportunities;

Public relations and mass-communication processes

Room: 1118

Modern theoretical and practical aspects of developing law

Room: 1231
12:00-12:30Coffee breakRoom: 1115
12:30-14:00 Conference Summary and ClosingAssembly Hall
14:00-15:00LunchRoom: 1115

Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia
Akaki Tsereteli State University, Kutaisi, Georgia
State Representative Administration in Imereti Region, Georgia
Mayor’s Office in Kutaisi, Georgia
National Bank of Georgia
Czech Development Agency
Faculty of Tropical Agricultural Sciences at Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague
International Journal of Public Administration and Management
International Journal of Public Policy and Management

Conference organizing committee is grateful to Czech Development Agency and Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague for the financial support.

Created by
Information Technology Support Service,
Akaki Tsereteli State University,
Tamar Mephe str. 59, Kutaisi, Georgia.
Phones: (+955 431) 24 00 33,(+995 431) 24 28 71, Fax: (+995 431) 24 38 33